Almaty is brimming with theater courses, intensives, and workshops. But what if you have a desire to step onto the stage and showcase your talent without dedicating too much time to theater? For such individuals, the ‘IMPROverts’ project was created. In just two and a half hours, you’ll discover the secrets of theatrical improvisation, showcase your wit, navigate through fantastic twists of fate, and learn to ‘fix a brick with a stool.’
Why improvisation? Developing other skills requires physical and emotional efforts. Improvisation, on the other hand, helps recharge with positivity and release all negativity. It’s light-hearted, and above all, a lot of fun.
Who is it recommended for? Primarily for office workers and sales managers. But really, for anyone who wants to boost empathy and charisma.
What to bring? Comfortable clothing and optional change of shoes.
Make sure to bring a good mood along.
The three best improvisers (by popular vote) will receive symbolic but pleasant prizes.
Both seasoned actors and those who have no idea what ‘seasoned’ means are welcome to participate.